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ISM Weekly Report

This week in ISM we were going to go on a field trip to the University of North Texas (UNT). Each student had to email or reach out to a professor at the college, so that we may gain permission to sit in on their class for an hour or so. This was really cool from my perspective as a high school senior getting ready to delve into the vast abyss commonly known as college. It was really interesting because we were given the opportunity to pick whatever class we wanted to take, the abundance of options left me indifferent. It was like a blessing and a curse at the same time, because on one hand I had the ability to pick anything that interests me; but on the other there is only a limited amount of classes I could take with the time allocated to us for the trip. I really opened my mind up to all the different classes out there and all of the different possibilities that invariably come with each major. I am not quite sure what I would like to be my major at the moment but it is nice to know that there is not a shortage of paths to choose from! I was incredibly ecstatic to venture on the campus and actually see and feel the college atmosphere. Unfortunately due to disputes with regulations and things like that, we were unable to go to on the trip. This kind of happened last minute and was quite frankly unexpected. But from that I learned that when in situations or matters where I am dealing with a certain individual not to go over their heads.

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