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ISM Weekly Report

This week in ISM I went on a string of interviews with various legal professionals. I went to a variety of different venues and it was honestly a great experience. I have gained a lot of valuable insight to the numerous questions that I had. I received a wide range of responses and that was very cool to me how different the responses were to the various questions I had. This differentiating opinion shows me that my experience is really relative to me, and how I personally handle my work, which is cool because there is not a cookie cutter kind of lifestyle. Even though that may open up the possibility for the development of uncertainty, to me it is almost comforting that the path is always different for different people. One reoccurring theme that comes up continuously is that as a corporate attorney, or a corporate litigator it is critically important to develop strong relationships with my clients because, especially as a corporate attorney clients will continuously come back if your service is good. And by developing these relationships a corporate lawyer can ensure that they will always have clients that turn to them. That is pivotal to a corporate lawyer because it means that, no matter where I live are I could be self sufficient.

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